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Venezuela's last anti-Maduro newspaper publishes final print edition

Dad makes daughter walk 5 miles (8 kilometers) to school in 36 degrees ºF (2.2 degrees ºC) weather after she gets accused of bullying.

At least the dad drove behind her to make sure she was okay.

The interview with the dad.

Russia to set up a naval base and a military airfield in Venezuela

Univision struggling to find buyer for Gizmodo sites

On a more lighthearted note....

US governor's sleepy son invades stage

BBC News Wrote:The son of California's new governor Gavin Newsom stole the show during his inauguration speech in Sacramento.

Two-year-old Dutch wandered onto the stage, much to the audience's delight.

And he wasn't going to give up the limelight easil
Its been 19 days since the government shut down for the USA.