(09-28-2014, 07:45 AM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: [ -> ]I just wanted to say that I'll buy it sooner or later, but probable not first day. Also, that this picture makes an extremely valid point:
![[Image: h5AF84D3E]](https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8328384768/h5AF84D3E/)
I'd play the living daylights out of Phoenix, another F-Zero character would be nice...
The funny thing is, most of those are in Project M and very well done.
(09-28-2014, 07:45 AM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: h5AF84D3E]](https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8328384768/h5AF84D3E/)
This image infuriates me, because out of all the costumes that Toon Link could've had, he didn't get his Outset Island pajamas, which is really one of his most iconic costumes.
Also I will be getting the Wii U version day one and if possible I would love to get that Gamecube controller and adapter bundle. It'll feel so good playing Nintendo games with a Gamecube controller again, especially Smash.
"Look at that Ridley clone."
The game is out where I live... 5 minutes of walking and I can buy it. But it's 50€. I have to wait until the 3 to have it at 33€ in another store!
All I can say about today was this about Smash
In all seriousness. The clock is ticking, and my fingers are feeling anxious. Wanting to play Smash bros.
So, it's officially out. What are your guys opinions? I don't have a 3DS so I have to wait for the Wii U version, but definitely curious how it is?
I don't have the transportation to get the game. So I don't have much to tell you. But I want to get my hands on the 3DS version.
My talk with the clerk:
"Hi, can I get Super Smash Bros. for 3DS?
"Yeah, sure. It's a pretty popular game. You're like the 8th person to come in and buy it (note: store opens at 7:00 AM, I got there at 8:30 AM). I won't have any copies by the end of the day at that rate."
"Yeah. All the game stores already sold out due to pre-orders and midnight releases."
"Hmm. Well, I got my copy reserved. I got access so I snagged one. Ain't nobody gettin' my copy."
EDIT: Just got to the Fighting Mii Team. Satoru Iwata, Danny Sexbang, and Nikki from Swapnote are trying to kill me. I love this game.
I can't go over the "meh" state but I am sure it's because I just suck at video games.
I'm gonna see about getting it soon-ish.
I'm in the same boat as snoman. I have to wait till the Wii U version comes out, but it will be glorious once I get to play Smash in beautiful HD.
I'm going to see if I'm going to get a Wii U or a 3DS before buying the game. I'm thinking of waiting for the Wii U.
Saving up for the WiiU Console and WiiU version
My earnings: Couple of coins I found in my couch.
If you haven't noticed already, the official Smash Bros website has been updated with a secret characters area, which for right now includes: Wario, Falco, and Ness. I assume they will add more as time goes on.
Here is the link.
Loving Smash so much, I'm quite surprise but Mii Brawler is a really fun character to use. I also didn't have high hopes for Smash run but it really turned out to be lots of fun, especially with friends.