(06-12-2013, 07:25 PM)MexicanAnime Wrote: [ -> ]Now for the most important question.....IS THERE STILL TRIPPING?
I put an extra S at the start of tripping... I was all like WOAH, Super Smash Bros ain't that kind of game!
But yes, tripping had better be gone. And wave dashing had better be back in...
Meanwhile, over at Pahael, a bunch of Rule 34 of the Wii Fit Trainer and the Villager is made.
Have you even seen Wii Fit Trainer? She's like the most tras- I think Nintendo has some dignity.
(06-12-2013, 09:45 PM)MexicanAnime Wrote: [ -> ]Have you even seen Wii Fit Trainer? She's like the most tras- I think Nintendo has some dignity.
Yeah, they do.
But I saw Rule 34 of them all day on my Facebook newsfeed.
I think the tumblr links of Villager that my friend has showed me are the most hilarious to me.
(06-12-2013, 09:51 PM)MexicanAnime Wrote: [ -> ]I think the tumblr links of Villager that my friend has showed me are the most hilarious to me.
Personally, I like this one.
![[Image: 999548_464773606950670_830529093_n.png]](https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/999548_464773606950670_830529093_n.png)
I wonder if all the characters from brawl will come back again? I mean if there is a more rooster of characters, it could make the game more potential. I never played Brawl besides.
When I saw screenshots from 3ds and Wii U, There was a slight difference in graphics. The 3ds version looked more like those Naruto games and the Wii U version was more of HD. Also I noticed that mario's overalls weren't detailed like the ones in brawl.
I also hope that the game feel does not disappoint me like how luigi's mansion Dark Moon did.
(06-13-2013, 12:42 AM)Artwark Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder if all the characters from brawl will come back again? I mean if there is a more rooster of characters, it could make the game more potential. I never played Brawl besides.
When I saw screenshots from 3ds and Wii U, There was a slight difference in graphics. The 3ds version looked more like those Naruto games and the Wii U version was more of HD. Also I noticed that mario's overalls weren't detailed like the ones in brawl.
I also hope that the game feel does not disappoint me like how luigi's mansion Dark Moon did.
I feel it would be best for you to watch this video -
I just really hope that the roster is just humongous and contains at least 2-3 characters from each franchise.
Let's see, Namco Bandai is helping make a fighting game for Nintendo. I wonder who is going to be put in.
I would say put a Tekken character in the game but I think that Sony owns the rights to publish those games. Not Pac-man though. Although, I would love to see this.
I would also like to see Kristal from Star Fox, Simon Belmont (or any of the Belmonts), Prince Fluff from Epic Yarn, and King K. Rool from Donkey Kong.
Pretty sure I'm the only one still pulling for Trubbish.
I mean, look at 'im
Please kill me.
(06-13-2013, 12:55 AM)MexicanAnime Wrote: [ -> ] (06-13-2013, 12:54 AM)JiraiyaSannin Wrote: [ -> ]I just really hope that the roster is just humongous and contains at least 2-3 characters from each franchise.
You have given me a sad. Well they obviously won't have ROB, Olimar, Snake, and other menial characters so that makes it an easier choice for having new characters and bringing some old characters back, but either way I know I will like it. I also have a feeling that there will be a different character roster for each system.
On another note. This is for everyone. What character do you predict/want to be in the new Smash Bros? I would like to see at least Waluigi or Birdo.
Considering the release of Pikmin 3 this year, I'm sure Olimar will remain in the next game.
(06-13-2013, 01:34 AM)MexicanAnime Wrote: [ -> ]Considering the release of Pikmin 3 this year, I'm sure Olimar will remain in the next game.
You do know that Olimar is
Not in Pikmin 3, Right?