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Bandai Namco has released another trailer for their upcoming title, TEKKEN 7.

Bandai Namco, in collaboration with Twitch, has announced a new tournament series entitled the "Tekken World Tour." 

Bandai Namco released a new trailer for TEKKEN 7, explaining all the old & new features of this entry in the series:

And since we are on the subject of TEKKEN, I'm just going to leave this here....
[Image: family_tradition_by_julitka.jpg]
Art was made by 'jutlika', btw.
Oh man. Tekken 7. My life is over! Already heading to a local tournament.
(06-02-2017, 02:17 AM)BumblebeeCody Wrote: [ -> ]Oh man. Tekken 7. My life is over! Already heading to a local tournament.

''BumblebeeCody'' enters The King Of Iron Fist Tourtament 7! 
Time to rewatch the anime and find out how innacurate it is.
I really liked the friendship that Ed and Boxer had, mostly because despite the fact that Boxer is still is the skirt chasing and money grubbing hooligan he's always been, he's shown to subtly care for Ed (for starters, Balrog teached Ed how to box. If he really didn't care about Ed, then he wouldn't waste his time teaching him anything). It adds to his character. Despite his crass nature he was good influence on Ed. He was the strong parental figure that Ed needed. The meek frightened boy Balrog picked up in his SFIV ending developed into a young man with enough guts to fight off Bison's influence and forge his own path.

I'm liking how Capcom has improved their storytelling game with Season 2 so far. The art of the character stories has also improved as well.

Moving on from the SF lore, the second part of the official Tekken retro recap has been upluoaded:

(06-02-2017, 10:13 PM)ZpaceJ0ck0 Wrote: [ -> ]I really liked the friendship that Ed and Boxer had, mostly because despite the fact that Boxer is still is the skirt chasing and money grubbing hooligan he's always been, he's shown to subtly care for Ed (for starters, Balrog teached Ed how to box. If he really didn't care about Ed, then he wouldn't waste his time teaching him anything). It adds to his character. Despite his crass nature he was good influence on Ed. He was the strong parental figure that Ed needed. The meek frightened boy Balrog grabbed in his SFIV ending developed into a young man with enough guts to fight off Bison's influence and forge his own path.

I'm liking how Capcom has improved their storytelling game with Season 2 so far. The art of the character stories has also improved as well.

Moving on from the SF lore, the second part of the official Tekken retro recap has been upluoaded:

I had to do this.
[Image: 1496568339294.jpg]
It's been a long time since the last time I posted some content made by this dude.... 

Fun Fact: Eddy Gordo's surname comes from the Spanish/Portuguese word for "fat".
My quick combo video
"Nelson's TAS and Game Archive" released a video compilation of all Rage Arts in TEKKEN 7 without the cinematic camera:

Not all characters are inlcluded here, thought. He missed the pre-order exclusive Eliza, the "Rain Maker" DLC costume for King as well as Spoiler:shin Heihachi, Devil Kazumi and ultimate Devil Kazuya.

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite is available for pre-order, here's everything you need to know about each purchase option